The Grand Conversation: The Machon Siach Podcast

The Grand Conversation: The Machon Siach Podcast Machon Siach @ SAR High School, honoring the memory of Belda K. Lindenbaum, z"l, is the research arm of SAR HS where faculty bridge theory and practice on ...more

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Latest Episodes


January 26, 2023 00:37:45
Ep. 12 - Making Sense of Gemara in the High School Classroom

Ep. 12 - Making Sense of Gemara in the High School Classroom

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, Dr. Jeffrey Rubenstein and Rabbi Tully Harcstark join Rabbi Shmuel Hain to discuss methods and tools which...



May 23, 2022 00:27:17
Ep. 11 - To Thine Own Self Be True: Authenticity & Spirituality in the Modern Orthodox Classroom

Ep. 11 - To Thine Own Self Be True: Authenticity & Spirituality in the Modern Orthodox Classroom

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, Ms. Chana Krasnjanski joins Rabbi Shmuel Hain to reflect on the importance of authenticity and spirituality in...



February 09, 2022 00:30:13
Ep. 10 - Spirituality and the Modern Orthodox Yeshiva Part II

Ep. 10 - Spirituality and the Modern Orthodox Yeshiva Part II

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, S.A.R. High School Principals Rabbi Tully Harcsztark and Rabbi Jonathan Kroll join Rabbi Shmuel Hain to reflect...



January 21, 2022 00:25:14
Ep. 9 - Spirituality and the Modern Orthodox Yeshiva Part I

Ep. 9 - Spirituality and the Modern Orthodox Yeshiva Part I

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, Rabbanit Lisa Schlaff and Dr. Gillian Steinberg share perspectives on spirituality in yeshiva high schools along with...



July 01, 2021 00:28:21
Ep. 8 - Between School & Home: What Covid-19 Taught Us About Policy

Ep. 8 - Between School & Home: What Covid-19 Taught Us About Policy

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz and Ms. Shira Schiowitz join Rabbi Shmuel Hain to discuss the Makom B'Siach Research...



May 03, 2021 00:38:22
Ep. 7 - Teaching American Zionism Through Civics Education

Ep. 7 - Teaching American Zionism Through Civics Education

In this episode of The Grand Conversation, Rabbi Tully Harcsztark and Professor Avi Helfand join Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz to discuss their Enounter trip...
